More Happiness Through Gathering

Along with company gatherings we’ve been planning this summer, I was considering how to add more happiness and joy to our local community. I stumbled on this book and thought it would be good to share. Enjoy!

Rodney Lover
Part of the team at atWork London

P.S. Nick’s Youtube videos on running events are great too!

Gathering with friends and colleagues has a profound impact on our happiness and well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, where we often prioritize productivity over social connections, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of gathering and nurturing meaningful relationships.

In his book “The 2-Hour Cocktail Party“, Nick Gray offers valuable insights into creating gatherings that bring joy and foster deeper connections.

Here are two tips from his book… along with an additional video for companies looking to create networking meet-ups in the office.

1 – Foster a Welcoming Atmosphere

The environment in which a gathering takes place significantly influences the overall experience. To create a warm and inviting atmosphere, Gray stresses the importance of paying attention to the ambiance. Lighting, music, and decorations should be carefully chosen to evoke a sense of comfort and relaxation.

Additionally, interactive elements like board games or photo booths can add an extra layer of engagement. Encourage participants to engage by contributing their favourite snacks, dishes or beverages, fostering a sense of ownership and shared experience.

atWork nametags

One quality point is the use of name tags – Gray is obsessed with them! Really, if they only help a small portion of your guests feel comfortable with connecting they are still very worthwhile. And name tags can be used as conversation starters by asking guests to add to them… IE. A topic they are interested in talking about or a favourite vacation location.

By creating an inclusive atmosphere that welcomes and embraces everyone, you can enhance happiness and create lasting memories.


2 – Cultivate Authentic Conversations

In an era dominated by superficial interactions, genuine conversations are becoming increasingly rare. However, true happiness thrives on authentic connections. Gray suggests asking open-ended questions that go beyond the surface level. Instead of sticking to mundane inquiries, encourage thought-provoking conversations by asking questions that invite individuals to share their passions, experiences, and unique perspectives.

You can use short icebreakers that draw out unique-to-them responses so others get to know them and feel comfortable approaching them later for a chat.

By creating an atmosphere that encourages vulnerability and authenticity, you can forge deeper connections and make gatherings more memorable and fulfilling.


Bonus tip: Host an In-Office Party

Building connections in a workplace can boost employee satisfaction, and connect you on a deeper level with your clients.

In this video, Nick walks you through an actual office meet-up and gives tips along the way.

Also read Nick’s 16 Office Party Ideas & Examples for 2023


In our fast-paced lives, prioritizing gatherings and meaningful connections is essential for our well-being. By implementing these and so many other tips Nick Gray shares in his “The 2 Hour Cocktail Party“, we can cultivate happiness and fulfillment.

Remember, authentic conversations, welcoming atmospheres, and networking opportunities all contribute to creating happier and more connected communities, whether they be with friends, loved ones, or colleagues.

So, embrace the power of gathering, and watch as happiness and fulfillment blossom in your life.



We used Nick’s book! Celebrating together – some of our current and past atWorkers, 40th Celebration, June 2023

Nick Gray moved to New York City with very few friends and less-than-stellar social skills. But Nick craved new relationships and exciting opportunities. He started hosting non-traditional parties-a move that opened doors he never could have imagined.

Today, after hosting hundreds of 2-hour parties, he counts business owners, artists, and inspiring teachers among a circle of friends that helped him launch a multimillion-dollar company, Museum Hack. Featured in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, Nick has been called a host of “culturally significant parties” by New York Magazine.

Find him at